Inauguration of Hands on Workshop on Microbial Genomics and Metagenomics

Jul 17, 2024

The five-day Hands-on Workshop on “Microbial Genomics and Metagenomics” organised by Nitte University Centre for Science Education & Research in association with Biokart India Pvt Ltd. was inaugurated on 17th July 2023 at the University Auditorium, Paneer.

Dr. Deekshit, Assoc. Professor, NUCSER, welcomed and introduced the resource person Dr. Vikram Subramanian CEO & MD of Biokart India to the gathering. The Guest of Honour, Dr. Indrani Karunasagar, highlighted the genotypic association for the phenotypic characteristics of microorganisms. The Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. MS Moodithaya, Vice Chancellor, Nitte University unveiled the workshop manual and explained the importance of the workshop in the current scenario. The President of the function Prof. Dr. Anirban Chakraborty, Director, NUCSER emphasised the genetic diversity of the gut microbiome and its importance in various disease conditions.

Dr. Krishna Kumar B, Assoc. Professor, NUCSER, proposed the vote of thanks. 130 students, teaching & non-teaching faculty members and participants from various institutes were present.

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